Archived TCC News and Chapter Updates

This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.

  • Florida Members Cecila Robusek and Robert Petrik Visit TCC Headquarters

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  • TCC Member Don Parrish Celebrates Discovery of South Pole

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  • Farewell To An Era: A Russian Icebreaker’s Final Voyage

    TCC past President and Board Member Kevin Hughes experienced the last voyage of an icebreaker during December and January. His detailed accounts were sent by email to a number of friends, including some TCC members. There were 90 passengers (the majority from Australia and China) and a crew of 70. We thought this adventure would…

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  • New Zealander Flies to L.A. for TCC 250 Countries Pin

    TCC member David Horne, a retired school principal from Dunedin, New Zealand, flew to Los Angeles on December 10 2011 expressly to attend the TCC holiday luncheon and receive his pin for having visited 250 countries – and flew back to New Zealand that night. An article about him and his accomplishment, with this photo,…

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  • An Invitation to the March 2012 Southern California Luncheon


    At the March 10 luncheon in Anaheim, CA, Bill Altaffler will give a presentation which will include all the South Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Crimea Yalta and Mt. Athos. Bill is a frequent presenter at the Southern California TCC meetings. He joined TCC in 1974 and completed his list of traveling to all the TCC…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Rick Shaver, Eastern Canada

    Rick was born in Montreal, Canada, graduated from McGill University, and received his Master’s degree at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. His wife, Jane, also grew up in Montreal. They have three daughters between the ages of 19 and 25 who have caught the travel bug from their parents and have experienced quite a…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Lillian O’Leary, West Florida

    Lillian O’Leary was born in New York City and attended schools there. She received a BS and MS, with a major in history and education, from Fordham University. In NYC she taught students spanning the three-year-olds in a Head Start program to those in high school. She has also taught some graduate courses. She ran…

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  • Area Coordinator Profile: Donna Marsh, United Kingdom

    Though she was born in the U.S., in Massachusetts, Donna has been living most of her adult life in the United Kingdom, near London. She runs her own consultancy company, Culture Unveiled, which specializes in cross-cultural business services for multinational organizations about to expand into new geographies. Most of her work focuses throughout the Middle…

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  • New Info Files: March 2012

    #621 Unknown Territory: Baku to Mt. Athons Part 1, Bill Altaffer #622 Unknown Territory: Baku to Mt. Athons Part 2, Bill Altaffer #623 Northern Marianas, Wayne E. Smith #624 Suez Canal, Wayne E. Smith #625 Moldova, James A. Smith #626 Saba, Leeward Islands, Netherlands, Edna Erspamer #627 South Sudan, Rev. Robert F. Ippolito Note: The…

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  • Well Traveled: March 2012

    Our congratulations to those Club members who have reached higher levels of countries visited. Well traveled. Platinum Membership (250 or more countries) Ms. Lavonne West Honolulu, HI Mr. J.T. Wharton Potomac, MD Gold Members (200 or more countries) Mr. W. Lynn Bishop Davis, WV Mr. Michael Kasum Gulfport, FL Dr. Terry L. Myers, Ph.D. Benbrook,…

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  • New TCC Members: March 2012

    New Travelers’ Century Club Members: Arato, Ms. Miriam Arndt, Mr. Gary Blum, Mr. Mark Bradshaw, Mr. Ralph A. & Mrs. Roberta Campbell, Mr. Bob Cooper, Mrs. Lucy Davis, Mr. Charlie & Mrs. Joan Foster, Ms. Margie Gray, Mr. Gary Gregurek, Ms. Sonja Gurnham, Mr. James H. “Jim” Henderson, Mr. James E. & Mrs. Roberta L.…

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  • 2012 Dues Renewal Invoice Mailed

    Invoices for the Annual Membership Dues were mailed in January. If you have not already mailed your payment, please do so ASAP. We want to include your name and information in the 2012 TCC Roster of Membership to be mailed this summer. As a reminder, those who are willing to access the Info Files through…

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  • Member News: March 2012

    New TCC Treasurer Gloria McCoy is running in the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday, March 18, starting at the LA Dodgers Stadium and terminating on Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica. She has participated in 50 marathons. Jackie and Rich Swanberg, and son, Scott, were pictured in front of the Chernobyl, Ukraine, damaged nuclear reactor in…

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  • February 2012 Meeting of Phoenix-Area TCC Members


    The founders of a website, “Travel Health Advisers,” Dr. Joe Zacharia and Dr. Teresa Heathy, were the scheduled speakers at the February 9 Arizona chapter meeting, reports Matt Cohen, Area Coordinator. Donald Stelzer hosted the gathering at his Scottsdale home. The retired UN ambassador will speak at the next meeting at 6:30 on Thursday, April…

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  • Chicago-Area Members Plan March Meeting


    The March 24 meeting of Chicago-area TCC members will be at the Winnetka home of Area Coordinator Thomas Flannigan from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The chapter is tentatively  planning a second 2012 meeting on Saturday, Nov. 17, probably 2-4 p.m. at a cheap Chicago ethnic restaurant (BYOB and pay for what you order). There will be…

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Travelers’ Century Club®
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 102
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2297
Cupertino, CA 95015
Tel: (888) 822-0228

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Travelers' Century Club