This page lists recent news articles and chapter updates posted on the TCC Web site. Click any headline to view the post. Use the search blank at right to find older posts on any topic.
Inaugural Meeting of the New Atlanta TCC Chapter on Oct. 28
Kelly Thomas, coordinator of the new TCC chapter in Atlanta, Georgia, has announced that the chapter’s first official meeting will be Saturday, Oct. 28, at 11:30am at Barcelona Westside Ironworks. Email Kelly at for more information and to RSVP.
Report on the Sept. 2017 Germany Chapter Meeting in Wuerzburg
The TCC Germany Chapter hosted a successful gathering in Wuerzburg on Sept. 2 with 27 in attendance. Chapter Coordinator Armin Schreiner delivered the welcome address, and all participants introduced themselves and explained their commitment to traveling. The program then featured the following presentations: Stephan Behringer (see picture #1 below) introduced us to Wuerzburg, the city…
Agenda Announced for October Meeting of the Texas/Oklahoma TCC Chapter
The 4th Quarter 2017 meeting of the Texas & Oklahoma Chapter will be held on Oct. 14 in Dallas. TCC members from anywhere are invited to attend. Please RSVP by Oct. 6 to Chapter Coordinator Paul Clites at The meeting will be in the Francesca Room (2nd floor) at Maggiano’s Little Italy Restaurant (NorthPark), 8687…
Miami Area Chapter Events Planned for October and December
The Southeast Florida Chapter’s Fall Social will be at Carolyn Stein‘s home in Aventura on Sunday, Oct. 22, from 2 to 5 p.m. Our Holiday Party will be at Ted Cookson and Barbara Stein‘s home on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 2 to 5 p.m. For the Holiday Party, bring a wrapped anonymous travel souvenir for…
Plans for September 2017 Colorado Chapter Dinner, Plus Dates for 2018 Meetings
The September meeting of the Denver Chapter of the Travelers’ Century Club will be held on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 6 p.m. at The Garlic Knot Restaurant in University Hills (2553 South Coronado Blvd. in Denver). The restaurant is located on the west side of Colorado Blvd. and just north of Yale. Please let me know…
Family-Style Filipino Banquet Featured at May 2017 Pennsylvania Chapter Meeting
Those who attended our Filipino Kamayan banquet at Perla on May 21 certainly had an experience! Feasting on brown rice, seasoned mixed vegetables, fish, pork belly and some of the most moist and flavorful chicken of our lives, and using banana leaves as “dishes,” the group heard from local immigration attorney Audrey Allen. The meal…
Northern California Chapter Members Enjoy Presentation About Arctic Culture and Wildlife
Spenger’s Fish Grotto in Berkeley is always one of the more popular restaurants for the San Francisco Chapter. Fifty-two members met on June 3 to hear Margo Bart speak on “The Arctic: Inuit, Ice and Wildlife.” As always, her photography was superb. Linda Byers was also recognized for her achievement in reaching the 150-country milestone.…
Notes From the July 2017 Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Luncheon
The Texas/Oklahoma chapter luncheon meeting was held on July 15. This amazing meeting started immediately for each member upon entering the front door of Carolyn Barkley’s “travel museum” home in Austin, Texas. Carolyn brings quality memorabilia and souvenirs home from all of her travels. She has very tastefully displayed literally hundreds if not thousands of…
Informal Arizona Chapter Meeting Held in May
We had a surprisingly highly attended meeting at Zimbergers on May 9. We have two informal dinner meetings in the hot months when attendance is low, because of the heat and travels. Members enjoy them because of the informality, and because we avoid what would be about five months between meetings. Dr. Dedrie Polakof delivered…
Notes From the June 2017 West Florida Chapter Meeting
On June 8 the West Florida Chapter held a luncheon meeting at the University Park Country Club in Sarasota. Amanda Davis just returned from South Africa where she and her husband toured for three months. Tom Kennedy had lived in South Africa for 30 years and was a railroad consultant. He and Amanda shared some…
Another Mediterranean Chapter Gathering in Altafulla
Members from the Barcelona area met at the medieval “El Forn del Senyor” in Altafulla to enjoy wine and food prepared by Chef Javier and to discuss their latest travels.
Seeking New Coordinator for the New York Chapter
Longtime New York Chapter Coordinator Lynn Simmons has announced that she is actively looking for someone to take her place. If any members in the New York area are interested, please contact Lynn or the TCC.
TCC Member Spotlight: Matthew Allison, San Diego, California
Surrounded by darkness and deathly sub- Arctic temperatures of negative 50 degrees, my friend and I were huddled together in a wooden sledge while being dragged violently across the empty tundra by an old Sovietera snow mobile. It was the Siberian winter and we were somewhere north of the Arctic Circle in the Yamal Peninsula.…
Chapter Focus: Indianapolis, Indiana
One of the advantages of TCC membership is the opportunity to attend chapter meetings throughout the US, Canada, and Europe and share stories with like-minded fellow travelers. You can expect a warm welcome at any of our meetings. If traveling, be sure to check out chapter dates on our Web site. Meet the Indianapolis, Indiana…
Membership Directory and TCC Financial Budget
The 2017 TCC Membership Directory is now online! You’ll find it in the members-only section of our Web site. Unlike the printed directories of the past, this one will be updated throughout the year as new members join. Members do have the option of not appearing, so this is not the definitive list for those…